Friday, June 22, 2012

When Mom comes to town

Happy Friday! I hope this finds you wrapping up an amazing week.

My mother came to visit for a few days this week. We had such a fun time together. Mom flew in on Monday afternoon and we had an early dinner at Hawthorne's, our favorite shared meal: pizza! The rest of our evening was spent watching a Netflix movie, "Sarah's Key". If interested, grab a box of tissues and make sure your subtitles are on-a mistake Mom and I made the first go around-much of the film is in French. And yes, there were two viewings. The second was accompanied by subtitles, and much more intriguing as a result. You won't regret choosing this flick.

The rest of her trip was filled with great dinner, shopping, a surprise lunch date with my dad (on business in Georgia, en route to Asheville), and shared memories of my childhood in New York. I love sharing my life in Charlotte with her, even if just for a few days.

The most amazing salad; a precursor to perhaps the best salmon and risotto ever. Seriously, unbelievable. Thank you mom for liking Dressler's. 

Our spontaneous lunch date with my Papa (dad in Dutch). 

Mom spending some quality time with her grand dog, Koda. 

Just a few of the 821,124,509,238,549,270,785 yards of fabric at Mary Jo's. (Don't quote me on that number.) PS-the first two fabric photos are possible options for downstairs curtains. Thoughts?

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